【同义词辨析】 2020-02-21 厌烦annoy-bother

annoy: implies a wearing on the nerves by persistent and often petty unpleasantness: his constant complaining ~s us.  

vex: implies greater provocation and stronger disturbance and usually connotes anger but sometimes perplexity or anxiety: a problem that ~es cancer researchers.

irk: stresses difficulty in enduring and resulting weariness or impatience: his chronic tardiness ~s his colleagues. wear厌倦表示疲倦到难以忍受,如let us not grow weary of doing good让我们做好的事情,不要厌倦 wear本意是打磨磨损,引申出来两个引申义 1、疲劳 2、厌倦,两个引申义都表示"难以忍受的..."

bother: suggests bewildering or upsetting interference with comfort or peace of mind: that discrepancy ~s me.   upset使烦恼心烦意乱implies the disturbance of normal or habitual functioning of by disappointment, distress, or grief,如constantly bickering that greatly upsets their son不停争吵,令儿子心烦意乱

annoy烦心: 指令人不快的琐事打磨人的神经,vex烦恼: 指更严重地冒犯搅扰,使人生气困惑,irk厌烦: 强调难以忍受,使人不耐烦,bother困扰: 表示扰乱内心的舒适平静,使人困惑心烦意乱

记忆方法: 1)首字母AVIB把最后B换成D,想成avid热切的<==厌烦       ""是会意字,从页从火,"页"表示和"头部"有关,"火"表示"发烧",本义是"苦闷急躁",字面意思是"头痛发烧",如烦躁烦恼烦闷烦心。引申为"又多又乱",如不厌其烦心烦意乱麻烦,通"繁"。还用作敬词,如烦请烦劳烦托麻烦   ""表示"烦闷苦闷",<增韵>: "事物挠心也",如烦恼苦恼懊恼

        2)厌烦的意思是使人烦恼不定mean to upset a person's composure.   (composure平静冷静implies great controlling of emotional or mental agitation by an effort of will or as a matter of habit表示能控制情绪不激动,如maintained his composure even under hostile questioning面对恶意提问,他保持了平静)